Monday, July 7, 2008

Hello, sorry for the long delay as I am still clumsy in creating some articles. Plse have patience with me. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Lim Chin Heng was born at his home at No. 1 & 3 Rose Lane, Off Tanjong Katong Road in 1950. His family lived near the Kallang Airport. Aeroplanes Flied up and down and passed to and fro. One day, a powerful airplane flied over Chin Heng's house and its sound was very noisy like thunder. His parents surprisedly saw that he slept sweetly on his baby bed. His father thought that he was a brave boy but was unaware of his born deafness. At the age of five, his deafness was discovered and confirmed.

Chin Heng attended the Singapore Chinese Sign School for the Deaf, established by the deaf couple, Mr & Mrs Peng Tsu Ying, at Charlton Lane, Off Upper Serangoon Road in 1955. On his first schooling day, he learned the new word, COW, for the first time when Mr Peng taught me using Shanghaiese Sign Language. From there, he graduated in 1965. There was no secondary school for the deaf in Singapore. Any regular secondary school did not accept any deaf students since there was no appropriate educational setting to cater their needs of deaf education. Consequently, his family wanted him to go overseas to pursue higher studies.

His 10-year study at American School for the Deaf (the first oldest deaf school was established in 1817 in USA) in West Hartford, Connecticut State, 1967-1970 and Gallaudet University (the only world's liberal arts university for deaf/hearing-impaired students since it was establish in 1864) in Washington, D.C., 1970-1975 and 1979-1981, opened up a whole new world for him as it provided him with the vast opportunities and experiences which were not available here in Singapopre. Enrolling at Gallaudet gave him the chance to participate fully in the many cultural, social and sports activities which helped alot to make me the person he is today.

The University is unique in that the student has the opportunity to experience a sense of community with other students, both deaf and hearing, from different states and from different countries all over the world. This, of and by itself, is a rare educational experience.

Further, Gallaudet University is most fortunate to have a number of deaf professional staff, so that it has given him much confidence by meeting them as role models for deaf students through their leadership abilities.

Being deaf himself, it was his golden opportunity to study the important aspects of deaf education at the Gallaudet Teacher Preparation Programme which offers the best teacher training course specialising in deaf education in the United States as well as in the world. As we know that deaf/hearing-impaired children deserve the best education, the programme provided him with various insights into educational opportunities and provisions for developing the full potential of the deaf/hearing-impaired children as individuals.

At American School for the Deaf and Gallaudet University, he had a very active social life and the company of many good friends, both Americans and foreigners, through activities such as camping, hiking, snow skiing, horse riding, etc. On most weekends, he would, with his Asian friends, enjoyed some non-American life by going for Chinese food in Chinatown. Occasionally, they would cook local food on their own. Apart from lectures at university, he used to attend meetings of various groups, such as, the Student Body Government, fraternity, clubs (sports/international students/class),etc which he found most stimulating and challenging. It nutured an interest within him to be involved in the university community. His participation and involvement in all these activities also brought about an awakening and motivation within him to strive for leadership and sometimes too a feeling of being a fighter or collaborator for some of the causes that he stood for when he returned back to Singapore. He owes it all to GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY that is a living-learning center.